Care is everyone’s responsibility
CARE STARTS WITH THE PEOPLE CLOSEST - looking after each other is at the heart of community.
The most efficient and effective way we look after others is within our small communities, as friends. Find a community.
We also have a safety net of care volunteers to help those who fall outside of a small community and as a back up to our small communities. With acute and urgent issues escalated to senior leadership.
For individuals with more complex needs we signpost as appropriate.
If you are interested in being a care team volunteer, please sign up here
Please let us know if you :
Need a Food bag?
Are having a baby?
Have recently been diagnosed with a severe illness?
Have just had an operation?
Are grieving the loss of an immediate family member?
Request further help?
Want prayer?
Raise a safeguarding concern?
Food & Care store collection
Bring your food and care items to church on the FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH
We ONLY need items that are on our list (see below)
Thank you for your donation, it makes a big difference!
Food Bag
We don’t want anyone who comes to LCF to go hungry!
If you know of anyone in our church family who needs a food bag
or a referral to the Foodbank, please let one of the staff know.
Links to affordable food services
Care Bag
Your care store items and any unwanted gifts, will enable us to be
on the door step for church family members in the case of:
o Loss of an immediate family member
o New baby
o After surgery
o First diagnosis of a severe illness
Sunday 2nd March 2025 - Here are the items we most need in order of priority…
Food Bags:
Tinned meat (meatballs, chicken curry, minced beef and onion, chicken casserole, tinned chicken breasts, hotdogs, pork luncheon meat, corned beef)
Jars Pasta sauce
Tinned fruit
Tinned tuna
Long life milk (only whole or semi skimmed - not specialist please)
Sugar (500g - no big bags)
Tinned Tomatoes
Box Cereals
We Currently Don't Need:
Tinned SoupCustard
Salad cream
Rice pudding
Baked beans
Tinned veg
Vegetable oil
Bars soap
Teabags (mainstream brands - not specialist)
Men’s Deodorant
Ladies Deodorant
Adult toothbrushes
Care bags:
Reed diffusers
Boxes of chocolates
Bars of chocolate
Bags of Haribos
Unwanted gifts
We Currently Don't Need:
Puzzle books
Supporting our Community
Be cautious when accepting work
to be done in your home.
A good tradesperson is hard to find and we shouldn’t just trust a person simply because we know them from the church. We don’t want anyone to find themselves in a difficult situation and recommend that you:
Don’t accept for a person to carry out work (for free or paid for) without first taking up references from a trusted source (you can also use
Don’t handover money before work is completed.
Don’t give anyone your debit card.
It is advisable to obtain 3 quotes before deciding who to instruct to ensure that they have been quoted a reasonable price for the work. Useful links:
Find a reputable local tradesperson | Home adaptations | Age UK
Further Resources
A list of contacts to help you find support
Click Here for a list of internal and external contacts