About Us 

LCF is a thriving Church right in the heart of Luton, with a heart for Luton, where everybody is welcome. We are an Elim Pentecostal Church made up of people from all walks of life, from different nations, backgrounds and ages with one thing in common; we love Jesus.  We are passionate about following Jesus in what he taught and how he lived and we try to emulate Him in our day to day lives. LCF is a place where everyone can belong.

What to expect on a Sunday

We’re a contemporary Church in the heart of Luton with a heart for Luton. We regularly have new guests so don’t feel shy to visit us or get in touch. If you’re new to LCF, first off let us say welcome and we’re so glad you’ve stopped by our website and are thinking of coming to visit us at one our services in the building or online.

Even if you have been a Christian for decades, coming to a new church can often feel daunting. There may be loads of questions you have, so please don’t hesitate at any point to connect with us and we will help in anyway we can. You can do that by using the contact form on this website or emailing us at admin@lcf.biz.

Visiting us in person

If you’re planning on joining us in person, our team of friendly volunteers will meet you at the door and direct you to a seat in our building. We have a team of signers at our 11.30am service for the BSL. If you are coming with a young family, we can tell you about and take you to our children’s and youth work, including our SEN room. On the last Sunday of every month we have coffee and tea together after the service.

Visiting us online

If you are joining us online via YouTube or Facebook, you’ll be able to connect with other veiwers and hosts in an online chat while following along with the service. There service starts at 11:30 AM on Sunday’s but will be available on catch up throughout the week.

There are some key elements you will always see as part of our Sunday services:

Worship // Worship is a massive part of who we are and what we do here at LCF. Worship is a collection of songs we sing together that talk about the character of God, who He is and what He has done for us. If you’re not used to a contemporary church, you can check out our YouTube channel or click on the music tab to get a flavour of what this is like. Sometimes the songs we sing are upbeat and will remind you of being at a live gig, other times they are more contemplative and reflective. We love to worship here at LCF.

Message // During each of our services you’ll hear a message given by one of our pastors or team that is rooted in the teachings of the Bible. Think of a TED talk, it is similar in style! You can see a collection of our messages on our YouTube channel.

Connections // You can grab some refreshments and a table from the café after our service located in the Church Hall. We are a church full of friendly people so if you are new to Church, don’t leave without saying hello to someone – we would love to meet you!

Some FAQ’s

What do I wear?!

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We have people in 3-piece suits to tracksuit bottoms, from traditional clothing from all over the world to flip flops and shorts.

Where do I park?

Street parking is available on Sundays with no permits needed, or you can park in South road car park directly opposite our building

Click here for more parking information

Do I need a Bible?

You don’t need a Bible. When we use some of the words from the Bible, they will be read from the front and we will always endeavour to show them on our screens around the building.

Will I feel awkward as a new person at LCF?

You’re not the only new person in the room. Each week, we have visitors and guests who are joining us for the first time. We are a church made up of all sorts of people, from all sorts of backgrounds! We even have special VIP seats for first time visitors on the back row of our church if you’d like to sit with some of our team (but feel free to sit where you like).

We can’t wait to meet you! Let us know you’re visiting us using the form below.

Our Vision & Values

Our main purpose as a people and as a Church is “Knowing Christ and making Him known”  


The Church we see…

·         Loves, worships and honours God; it reaches out to a lost world.

·         Is an exciting, relevant and dynamic Church; it is known for its integrity, its excellence and its infectious sense of fun.

·         Is naturally supernatural, but totally non-religious; it is an outward-looking and hilariously generous Church.

·         Is a Church that is alive and therefore constantly growing, both numerically and in spiritual maturity.

·         Equips, empowers and releases all its people to excel in their God-given gifts and live supernatural lives.

·         Is a community where people of every race, age and background can be known, loved and cared for – a place every person can truly call home.          

The Church we see will one day be this Church.